So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 KJV
What are we listening to? The bible says that faith comes by hearing. So, what do you hear? I am going to bend the theology of someone right now. This is for the misguided folks that have heard “name it, claim it, blab it, grab it, see it, believe it” in the wrong context. Sorry, not sorry.
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Is what you’re naming and claiming from God? Is what you saw and claimed what God said you could receive? See, we need to put these things into context. Faith will always line perfectly with God’s word. Faith is the echo of God’s word. We’ve all tried an echo in a cavernous place at least when we were children. When your echo goes out, does it end like a game of telephone and becomes something else? No! The echo continues to be the same word spoken.
If you are naming and claiming a mansion, check your heart. God will never give you what you cannot handle. So, if you ask God for a mansion, He will either say yes because you managed your hut like a mansion or no, because you disregarded that hut because in your mind it was beneath what you thought you were. Instead of thanking God for the roof over your head keeping the rain and cold out, you cursed your existence every day you dwelt there. Your ask of a mansion is born out of pride and because you thought if so and so could have one, so can I.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 KJV
I ask again, what are you listening to? We say we are walking in faith but we miss the unspoken point of that saying. The motion of walking. Faith is an action. Faith is living as if; in expectation. Faith manifests what we are hoping to come into existence. The assumption is that we are moving with God, then what we are hoping for is in line with God’s desires and His word. When we move in that notion, what we are hoping for will manifest.
The progression of faith goes like this: we hear the Word, it sparks belief, belief grows into faith and we walk it out. So, if you heard it from God, believe it. Put your faith in it and then walk in it. Today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today. Don’t wait until you see it. Don’t wait for some type of evidence of it.
If you wait to see it, then you don’t need faith. God always keeps His word. Since He always keeps His word, we should be walking in the trust, the belief, the faith of that word. For we walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV)
My challenge to you is this: Check your heart. Is what you’re naming and claiming in line with God’s word? If it is, celebrate and walk it out! If it’s not, again, check your heart. God only funds His Word. ~ Selah