Do What’s Required

How many times have you heard someone in the midst of a crisis say, “I did everything?” If you knew the person well, did you agree that they indeed did everything they could to avoid the calamity? What if they didn’t? How would you tell them? Many times we do what we are comfortable doing. If there is a task that makes us uncomfortable, we tend to do the minimum and step back and say, “I did my part.” But, what if “your part” isn’t enough? Did you know “your part” wasn’t enough but did what you wanted anyway?

What if you were asked something specific? What if that specific thing was necessary but more than you are willing to do or give? How many times have been faced with that question? How often do we do the necessary, uncomfortable thing?

In the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, when a rich man asked Jesus how to gain eternal life, Jesus tells the rich man to sell all his possessions, give to the poor and follow Him. The rich man turned away distraught because he was not willing to do what was required. He did “his part” by keeping the commandments because he was raised to. It was the comfortable thing. He was willing to do the comfortable, familiar thing but when asked to take a step outside what was comfortable, to do what was required he wouldn’t.

Consider this: Jesus had a reputation. He was known as a man of God even though they didn’t believe he was the Son of God. He was known to be good and able to do miraculous things and even with this knowledge, the rich man wouldn’t do what was required. It doesn’t even appear that he even gave it a second thought. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)

Are you the rich man? Do you pass off “your part” as what is required? Your challenge: do what is required for your faith, for your family. ~ Selah